Monday 29 January 2018


Nigerian Prophet Arrested in Zambia for Drug Trafficking

January 26, 2018 ZTF

Zambian authorities have arrested a Nigerian pastor for allegedly trafficking 26.29 kilogram of ephedrine, a medication and stimulant drug, a spokesperson said on Thursday.

Prophet Isaac Amata, 42, is known for having predicted that President Edgar Lungu will win Zambia’s 2016 general elections.

He was arrested by anti-drug officers on Wednesday upon arrival at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka, the country’s capital, according to Drug Enforcement Commission spokesperson Theresa Katongo.

She said the Nigerian pastor was arrested upon arrival at the airport from Nigeria aboard a South African Airways plane.

She said the suspect is currently in police custody and will appear in court soon.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Buhari’s death: Africa leaders observe a minute silence at AU Summit.

By Adedoyin Gold on February 2, 2017

African Union heads of State and Government have observed a minute’s silence in the memory of late Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari, on Monday during the 28th ordinary session of AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
During the official opening session of the AU Summit, Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno, the incumbent AU President, invited the African leaders to observe a minute’s silence in the memory of “our late brother,” the Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari.
African leaders have gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to attend the Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU).
The Summit, which is to take place from 30th to 31st January, will be preceded by a meeting of the Executive Council.…
2. Queen Elizabeth II sends message of condolence.

LONDON – The Queen of Britain, Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has sent message of condolence to the family of Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari and the people of Nigeria.
There are no official reports on the speculated death of the President and the message of condolence from the British Monarchy has put Nigerians in state of despair.

Two sources close to the Presidency have said the President has passed on and that the photos circulating online are those from his previous visit.
Another London source says PM Theresa May has visited the Nigeria Ambassador to the UK.
In a message of condolence, the Queen described Buhari as “one of Africa’s pillars”.

“The death of President Buhari came to us as a shock. He has been one of the active pillars in
Africa. May the good people of Nigeria and Africa know that our hearts are with them in these hard times.” – the Queen said.
The Presidency days ago denied reports that the President had died and subsequent release of Photos put to rest the rumors but the latest message of condolence from the Queen has brought further confusion whether the Queen has fallen for fake news

BOMBSHELL: Obasanjo's daughter calls Obasanjo an "0LD STUP1D F00L. LEAVE BUHARI ALONE.

This is the end of my communication with you for life". IS THIS IS A YORUBA CULTURE? Kilode?

"It brings me no joy to have to write this but since you started this trend of open letters I thought I would follow suit since you don’t listen to anyone anyway.

“The only way to reach you may be to make the public aware of some things.

“As a child well brought up by my long-suffering mother in Yoruba tradition, I have been reluctant to tell the truth about you but as it seems you still continue to delude yourself about the kind of person you are and I think for posterity’s sake it is time to set the records straight.

“I will return to the issue of my long-suffering mother later in this letter.

“Like most Nigerians, I believe there are very enormous issues currently plaguing the country but I was surely surprised that you will be the one to publish such a treatise.

“I remember clearly as if it was yesterday the day I came over to Abuja from Abeokuta when I was Commissioner of Health in Ogun State, specifically to ask you not to continue to pursue the third term issue.

“I had tried to bring it up when your sycophantic aides were present and they brushed my comments aside and as usual you listened to their self-serving counsel.

“For you to accuse someone else of what you so obviously practiced yourself tells of your narcissistic megalomaniac personality.

“Everyone around for even a few minutes knows that the only thing you respond to is praise and worship of you.

“People have learnt how to manipulate you by giving you what you crave.

“The only ones that can’t and will not stroke your ego are family members who you universally treat like sh1t apart from the few who have learned to manipulate you like others.

“Before I continue, Nigerians are people who see conspiracy and self-service in everything because I think they believe everyone is like them.

“This letter is not in support of President Jonathan or APC or any other group or person, but an outpouring from my soul to God.

“I don’t blame you for the many atrocities you have been able to get away with, Nigerians were your enablers every step of the way.

“People ultimately get leaders that reflect them.

“Getting back to the story, I made sure your aides were not around and brought up the issue, trying to deliver the presentation of the issue as I had practiced it in my head.

“I started with the fact that we copied the US constitution which has term limits of two terms for a President.

“As is your usual manner, you didn’t allow me to finish my thought process and listen to my point of view.

“Once I broached the subject you sat up and said that the US had no term limits in the past but that it had been introduced in the 1940s after the death of President Roosevelt, which is true.

“I wanted to say to you: only a fool starts from scratch and does not base his decisions on the learning of others.

“The American constitution itself is based on several theories and philosophies of governance available in the 18th century.

“As usual in our conversations, I kept quiet because I know you well.

“You weren’t going to change your mind based on my intervention as you had already made up your mind on the persuasion of the minions working for you who were ripping the country blind.

“When I spoke to you, your outward attitude to the people of the country was that you were not interested in the third term and that it was others pushing it.

“Your statement to me that day proved to me that you were the brain behind the third term debacle.

“It is therefore outrageous that you accuse the current President of a similar two-facedness that you yourself used against the people of the country.

“I don’t know how you came about Yar’Adua as the candidate for your party as it was not my priority or job.

“Unlike you, I focus on the issues I have been given responsibility over and not on the jobs of others.

“It was the day of the PDP Presidential Campaign in Abeokuta during the state-by-state tour of 2007 that Yar’Adua got sick and had to be flown abroad.

“The MKO Abiola Stadium was already filled with people by 9am when I drove by (and) we had told people based on the campaign schedule that the rally would start at noon.

“At 11 am I headed for the stadium on foot; it was a short walk as there were so many cars already parked in and out.

“As I walked on with two other people, we saw crowds of people leaving the stadium.

“I recognized some of them as politicians and I asked them why people were leaving.

“They said the Presidential candidate had died. I was alarmed and shocked.

“I walked back home and received a call from a friend in Lagos who said the same and added that he had died in the plane carrying him abroad for treatment and that the plane was on its way to Katsina to bury him.

“I called you, and told you the information and that the stadium was already half-empty.

“You told me to go to the stadium and tell the people on the podium to announce that the Presidential candidate had taken ill that morning but the rest of the team, including you and the Vice-Presidential candidate would arrive shortly.

“I did as I was told, but even the people on the podium at first didn’t make the announcement because they thought it was true that Yar’Adua had died.

“I had to take the microphone and make the announcement myself. It did little good. People kept trooping out of the stadium.

“Your team didn’t arrive until 4pm and by this time we had just a sprinkling of people left.

“That evening after the disaster of a rally, you said you had insisted that the Presidential candidate fly to Germany for a check-up although you said he only had a cold.

“I asked why would anyone fly to Germany to treat a cold? And you said “I would rather die than have the man die at this time.”

“When Yar’Adua eventually died, you stayed alive, I would have expected you to jump into his grave.

“I left Nigeria in 1989 right after youth service to study in the US and I visited in 1994 for a week and didn’t visit again until your inauguration in 1999.

“In between, you had been arrested by Abacha and jailed. We, your children, had no one who stood with us.

“Stella famously went around collecting money on your behalf but we had no one. We survived.

“I was the only one of the children working then as a post-doctoral fellow when I got the call from a friend informing me of your arrest.

“A week before your arrest, you had called me from Denmark and I had told you that you should be careful that the government was very offended by some of your statements and actions and may be planning to arrest or kill you as was occurring to many at the time.

“The source of my information was my mother who, agitated, had called me, saying I should warn you as this was the rumour in the country.

“As usual you brushed aside my comments, shouting on the phone that they cannot try anything and you will do and say as you please.

“The consequence of your bravado is history.

“We, your family, have borne the brunt of your direct cruelty and also suffered the consequences of your stupidity but got none of the benefits of your successes.

“Of course, anyone around you knows how little respect you have for your children.

“You think our existence on earth is about you. By the way, how many are we? 19, 20, 21? Do you even know?

“In the last five years, how many of these children have you spoken to?

“How many grandchildren do you have and when did you last see each of them?

“At your first inauguration in 1999, I and my brothers and sisters told you we were coming from the US.

“As is usual with you, you made no arrangements for our trip, instead our mom organized to meet each of us and provided accommodation.

“At the actual swearing-in at Eagle Square, the others decided to watch it on TV.

“Instead I went to the square and I was pushed and tossed by the crowd.

“I managed to get in front of the crowd where I waved and shouted at you as you and General Abdulsalam Abubakar walked past to go back to the VIP seating area.

“I saw you mouth ‘my daughter’ to General Abdullahi who was the one who pulled me out of the crowd and gave me a seat.

“As I looked around I saw Stella and Stella’s family prominently seated but none of your children.

“I am sure General Abdullahi would remember this incident and I am eternally grateful to him.

“Getting back to my mother, I still remember your beating her up continually when we were kids.

“Many of your women have come out to denounce you in public but since your madness is also part of the madness of the society, it is the women that are usually ignored and mistreated.

“Of course, you are the great pretender, making people believe you have a good family life and a good relationship with your children but once in a while your pretence gets cracked.

“You are the prototypical “Mr. Know it all”. You’ve never said “I don’t know” on any topic, ever.

“Of course this means you surround yourself with idiots who will agree with you on anything and need you for financial gain and you need them for your insatiable ego.

“This your attitude is a reflection of the country. It is not certain which came first, your attitude seeping into the country’s psyche or the country accepting your irresponsible behavior for so long.

“Nigeria accused me of fraud with the Ministry of Health.

“As you yourself know, both in Abeokuta and Abuja I lived in your houses as a Senator.

“In Lagos, I stayed in my mum’s bungalow which she succeeded in getting from you when you abandoned her with six children to live in Abeokuta with Stella.

“I borrowed against my four-year Senate salary to build the only house I have anywhere in the world in Lagos.

“You and your cronies mentioned in your letter have left the country worse than you met it at your births in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

“Nigeria is not the creation of any of you, and although you feel you own it and are “Mr Nigeria” deciding whether the country stays together or not, and who rules it; you don’t.

“Nigeria is solely the creation of the British.

“My dear gone Grandmother whose burial you told people not to attend, was not born a Nigerian but a proud Ijebu-Yoruba woman.

“I have realized that as an Obasanjo I am not entitled to work in Nigeria in any capacity.

“I am not entitled to work in health which is my training, or in any field or anywhere in the country or participate in any business.

“You called me after your vengeful letter as usual, looking out for yourself and thinking you will bribe me by saying the APC will use me for the Senate.

“Do you really know me and what I want out of life?

“Anyone that knows me knows I am done with anything political or otherwise in Nigeria.

“I have so much to do and think to make this world a better place than to waste it on fighting with idiots over a political post that does no good to society.

“That letter you wrote to the President, would you have tolerated such a letter as a sitting President?

“Don’t do to others what you will not allow to be done to you. The only thing I was using that was yours was the house in Abuja where I left my things when I left the country.

“I eventually rented it out so that the place would not fall apart but as usual you want to take that as well. You can’t have it without explaining to Nigerians how you came about the house?

“The whole system, including the public themselves want oppressors, not people working for their collective progress.

“When no one is planning the future of a country, such a country can have no future.

“I won’t be your legacy, let your legacy be Nigeria in the fractured state you created because, it was always your way or the highway.

“This is the end of my communication with you for life.

“I pray Nigeria survives your continual intervention in its affairs.


Iyabo Obasanjo, DVM, PhD

Tuesday 23 January 2018


Benedicta Elechi, the partner of DaddyFreeze, has finally opened up on why she walked away from her marriage of 10 years to Paul Odekina, the executive general manager of Human Resource at Total E&P Nigeria Limited.

In an interview with LIB, she said:

“I filed for a divorce from him because of his sexual perversion and there’s a point where you get to as a human being when you realise that something or what is your aim is never going to work. .
Because when I signed a contract to marry him, I believed I was marrying a man that shared the same type of sexuality with me.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not have any issues with people that have different sexual orientation but when you come and say you want to get into a marriage contract with someone, you both have to share the same sexual orientation.

So when you get into that marriage and find out it wasn’t what you bargained for, it’s like you were tricked into the marriage. The marriage is a sham. For example, we got married in 2002, I filed for a divorce 2012.

For the period of 10-years that we were married, we actually had sexual intercourse just 11 times in 10 years. He never let me sleep in his room, I have to stay in my own room. He would only come to see me when he thinks we should make a baby.

Way into the marriage, I caught him red-handed in gay sex. I walked into him in our living room, at about 1:30, 1:40am with a guy I didn’t really know. But he obviously walked in with that person at that time of the night, and I walked into them in our living room.”

I can tell you it was a struggle. You are living in a society where as a woman you have to do everything you can to preserve your marriage. You can come out of it, you just have to pray, God can change things.

There are certain things that we need to know when God is talking to you. It’s a little bit emotional for me because there are a lot of women out there that have gone through what I went through and they can’t come out.

I’m sorry, but there are a lot of reasons I never wanted to do an interview. The pain that I went through is real and it can only take a lifetime to forget.

When asked if she talked to her family or anybody about it, she said;

“When you feel that marriage is something both parties have to work on, You don’t want to bring a third party into it, so you can give him some time to change and pray about it.

And this is him begging you constantly, don’t leave me. If you do that am going to kill myself. I will commit suicide, I don’t want you to tell my parents or your parents about it. I promise you I’m going to change.

You would desperately believe that this person is going to change because you want your marriage to work, and you just find that the years are going by, you are in it, you can’t come out.

Who do you really want to tell? It’s a stigma and then you have kids, you don’t want them to be laughed at in school.”

Asked if she have any evidence to back up her claims that he was gay while they were married, she said;

“There were some text messages I saw on his phone which he sent to a man he actually brought home for dinner I made for them.

When I saw the text messages on his phone, I was livid. I had to confront him with it. You can’t bring someone to the house and tell me he’s a guest that I should entertain him, and this is actually what you do, this is the kind of relationship you have with this person.

Why are you punishing me, and why are you doing this to me. If you know this marriage is a sham, then let me go.

When I saw the text I had to wake up from the couch. I confronted him and he went all crazy on me. He said I have no right to pick up his phone. I told him I had no airtime on my phone and wanted to make a call with his. He said I have no right to go through his phone.

I said to him, is this what you really do, you would bring somebody to the house, for me to feed for dinner and this is it. You are in a sexual relationship with this guy.”

Meanwhile, OAP Freeze and Benedicta who have been together for several years have a son together.

Thursday 18 January 2018




ITS HIGHLY URGENT, help someone.

Send ur CV and portfolio to

Tuesday 9 January 2018


Look for jobs in Canada

Getting Canadian work experience can be challenging. It may take time to find a job. But the more you know about job search skills, how to get a job, Canadian workplace culture and what Canadian employers want, the easier it will be. A résumé is a list of your qualifications and work experience. A cover letter is a short description of what makes you a strong candidate for that job. You can find information on writing a résumé and cover letter, as well as preparing for an interview, by contacting any of the resources listed in the section “Get important information about working in Canada.”Based on your résumé and cover letter, the employer will decide whether to invite you for a job interview. A job interview gives the employer a chance to meet you and ask questions to see if you are right for the job. The interview also helps you to learn more about the job and to decide whether you are interested in working for that organization.

After the process is complete, you will receive a formal job offer if the employer wants to hire you. It is common for people to send many résumés and cover letters to different places before being invited for a job interview. To work in Canada, you will need a Social Insurance Number (SIN). You should apply for a SIN as soon as you come to Canada.There are many resources you can use to get information and support when searching for a job in Canada:Contact an immigrant-serving organization as soon as you arrive. These organizations often offer job search training sessions, résumé writing workshops and other services to help you find work.

Job Bank is the Government of Canada’s leading source for jobs and labour market information. The website offers free occupational and career information (about jobs, educational requirements, main duties, wages, employment trends and much more) for occupations available in Canada.

Service Canada has important information about searching and applying for jobs.

Your province’s or territory’s website for newcomers is another good source of employment information.

Search and apply for jobs

Search for jobs apply

There are many ways to look for jobs. Some ways are:

Monday 8 January 2018

FG appoints Jega, Okebukola, others to review Nigeria’s varsity system

Okebukola, Jega

The Federal Government has appointed former Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, Prof. Peter Okebukola; and former Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof. Attahiru Jega, as part of those to review the university system of Nigeria.

The NUC has also stated that it has not rated tertiary institutions in the country for “many years,” dismissing recent rating allegedly by the commission as fake.

The Executive Secretary, NUC, Prof. Abubakar Rasheed, made this known in an interview with journalists in Abuja on Monday after he appeared before the Senate Committee on Tertiary Institutions and TETFUND to defend the 2018 budget proposed by the commission.

He said, “The NUC has constituted a high-powered committee of very credible senior academics.

“Most of the members of this small committee are former vice chancellors, former executive secretaries of the NUC and some had held positions like pro-chancellor, chairman of INEC and minister of education.

“We have given them a six-term reference to help us with the re-positioning of Nigeria’s university system.”


The ruling All Progressives Congrats (APC)  on Wednesday said it is not bound by Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka's prophecies as regards the forth coming Presidential election in 2019. Bolaji Abdullahi, the party's National Publicity Secretary  stated that in response to Fr. Mbaka's prophecy advised President Muhammadu Buhari not to seek re-election.
The fiery Enugu priest has warned President Muhammadu Buhari not to contemplate seeking for a second tenure in 2019.
Mbaka in his new year message said Buhari would be totally disgraced of he takes a shot at the presidency after his current tenure.
Abdullahi in reaction said anyone who feels the prophecies are true was at liberty to believe added that the APC will only act on what is politically correct not prophecies.  "We can not run a political party by prophecy"
Prophecy is a matter of personal conviction or personal belief.  "The party can not act based on any kind of prophecies because we are not operating on that, we only act based on what is politically correct".


Gossipaffairsng spoke with a woman who has tried so many options to get pregnant but all to no avail, until she tried the banana, carbonated soda, egg and milk recipe, she became pregnant.  If you are out there and you want to get pregnant, you should try this and join millions to celebrate.


Ross Kemp has appealed to the United Kingdom's government to help fleeing migrants escape what he has called a "modern-day slave trade" in Libya. In a piece written for the Radio Times, Ross spoke of migrants who had been fleeced of huge sums of money, being beaten, kidnapped and sold in to bonded labour, to pay off their debts, and often never make it out of southern Libya. He also hit out at a recent agreement the European Union made with Libya's UN backed government, which he believes traps migrants in a war zone. The deal would give Libya £170 million to help the government bolster its coast guard capabilities in order to stop migrants travelling across the sea. Ross said: "European leaders, under pressure to reduce the number of people entering their countries as migrants, have signed a new deal with Libya, but far from helping people to escape, the EU deal is aimed at keeping them there. Now that we are aware of what migrants in Libya endure, and given our own role in the country’s decline into chaos, can we really consider this an acceptable solution to such a horrific situation?"





'...Kindly permit me to be as brutally frank as possible. As a stakeholder who made his modest contribution to your emergence as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I owe you nothing but the truth. I was not a member of your party when I volunteered to support your mission and ambition in 2015. I was elated when Nigerians succeeded in chasing away the profligate and reckless government of the PDP, led by President Goodluck Jonathan. I was one of those who unleashed terror on that government and I subsequently presented you with a compilation of my articles in which I criticised and advised the then President, free of charge. I never expected that our situation could ever get worse under the APC government that almost literally promised heaven and earth. But it has become evident that it is easier to govern by words of mouth than by force of action.

It is indeed shameful that those like me who supported you so vociferously have become butts of jokes everywhere we go. Sir, I plead with you to ignore your acolytes who may be telling you that all is well in Nigeria. My unequivocal verdict, without any fear of contradiction is that things are very bad. While I will not, in all honesty, totally heap the blame on you, there is no doubt that your government has been less than competent. I’m reasonably convinced that you have not availed yourself of the abundant talents it has so pleased God to endow Nigeria with. Rather, you’ve chosen to saddle yourself with hungry lions and deadwoods that you’ve resurrected from penury and oblivion. Leadership should be about managing people and resources. Most of the people you are working with are already retired or tired and with little or nothing new to contribute.

It is grossly unfair that it was very convenient for us to lampoon and scandalise Dr Goodluck Jonathan, yet most of us have remained funereally silent and unreasonably complicit in the evil that the current men of power are perpetrating and perpetuating under your watch. Unknown to you Sir, some people are merely using you to rule by proxy. There is no evidence of discipline in your team, one of the greatest things you preached so fervently about in your first coming as military Head of State. Your acolytes are virtually getting away with murder. Someone, somewhere, sat down with birds of the same feathers, to conjure and compile the most disgraceful list of political appointees ever and yet nothing has happened to those who brought such perfidious insults on our nation. Instead, we are being regaled with tales by the moonlight to gloss over serious maladies in the polity and damning treachery against our nation. No serious apologies. No penitence. Only some foolhardy cockiness from those who will repeat the same nonsense when tomorrow comes.

Your Excellency, it has become very difficult, if not impossible to defend the excessive shortcomings of your government, please, permit my oxymoron Sir. We definitely want you to succeed but it seems some demons are desperately determined to make you fail by all means. The more your administration unravels, the more ridiculously hopeless it seems. You have waltzed from crisis to crisis instead of from glory to glory, as most of us expected. We thought you truly possessed the magic wand and talismanic effect to make all our problems evaporate and vamoose in a jiffy. We did not expect to be regularly mesmerised by impotent excuses galore.

I sincerely doff my hat to your wonderful wife for her rare and uncommon courage. Regardless of what her detractors may say, she is the only insider who has been trying to say it as it is. Even if some of her critics feel she’s seeking for relevance in your kingdom, it is still within her rights. I’m sure that when the day of reckoning comes, you will remember and appreciate her timely warnings. Without mincing words, what Madam Aisha Buhari has been trying to tell you in clear terms is that this government is swimming in a big foul mess and that you should not be carried away by the fake adulation and false adoration you see all around you.  There is no government in Nigeria that did not enjoy the services of praise-singers who disappeared as soon as the government itself collapsed like a pack of cards. Ask President Jonathan!

I’m aware that your foot-soldiers are already warming up for the next election. I really do not know what they hope to tell and sell to the electorate this time, particularly after the colossal failure of the last three years. I do not see how they expect to fund your campaign without resorting to the same type of extravagant jamboree we witnessed in the dying and last days of the PDP’s prodigality. As a result of your decision to contest again, you are being forced by circumstances beyond your control to compromise and capitulate on your known principles. Is it not better, and more profitable, to return home, triumphantly, with your reputation intact than to win a pyrrhic victory with everything you ever stood for wasted on the altar of vainglorious aggrandisement? What guarantees do you have that you will win the next election even if you agree to sell Nigeria to the political gladiators?

Sir, I’m pleading with you in the name of God, the Merciful and all-powerful, that you don’t need two terms, or eight years in power, to prove your greatness. Nelson Mandela spent only one term in power and retired to superlative glory as the world’s most respected and revered and idolised statesman. Robert Mugabe spent about four decades in power, yet he returned home in total infamy and unenviable disgrace. It is a lesson of life that we must all learn, sooner rather than later, that man shall not live by power alone. I know my preaching is not likely to touch you and your hardened supporters but, at the very least, I want it to be on record that I spoke publicly, out of genuine love and concern, while you were being goaded on by those who stand to gain more if you win a re-election next year. For most of those asking you to continue, by fire and by force, it is always about their personal agenda and survival. They know their political careers would come to a shuddering halt and abrupt standstill should you fail in your bid to come back. In their desperation to come back at all costs, they are going to do exactly what PDP did, or even much worse. What moral authority would you then have to justify the continued detention and harassment of some of the PDP operatives accused of wasting government resources on Jonathan’s truncated re-election bid. Who amongst us can in good conscience say in the market place that you won the last election on pure merit and that no substantial government funding went into your campaigns.

This year promises to be an interesting one. You will soon discover how treacherous human beings can be when some of those hailing you today as the authentic messiah begin to show you their true colours. Our country is bleeding dangerously while some over-pampered politicians can only think of winning elections by hook or by crook. The quality of your appointees in recent time points to how directionless your government has finally become. In a country overflowing with so many amazing brains and talents, it is incredibly shameful that those are your best representatives for our country. The easiest way for a leader to fail is to continue to attract those much worse than himself. Conversely, the best way to succeed is for a leader to recognise and attract and surround himself with those much better in all aspects of human endeavour. This does not erase or take anything away from the leader but it actually enhances his personality and how he is perceived by everyone. The late sage of blessed memory, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, was a veritable example of how a leader can effectively tap into the collective brains of some geniuses and add to his own in a way that makes him appear super-human.

Nigeria has never been in short supply of whiz kids at home and abroad but Nigeria started dying when our leaders stopped respecting merit and preferred to enthrone mediocrity. The truth is mediocrity begets further mediocrity. The few good leaders in your government have not been able to display their wizardry out of fear and trepidation that some cabal would mark them out and hack them down so ruthlessly. It is a sign of the times, that the courage, astuteness and brilliance that made them stand out in the political crowd has suddenly taken flight and they are now little more than wimps in your insipid government. The bureaucracy in Abuja is enough to suffocate and disorientate any fertile mind.

If I were in your shoes, I would consider that it is not too late to groom and propel some of the best brains in APC or even those living beyond the shores of Nigeria to succeed me. You do not need to look far in this regard but I will not make any suggestions today, lest it be misinterpreted that I am touting any particular individual as a worthy successor. I’m reasonably convinced that you have worked very hard and seem to have reached your peak. To God be the glory. In a country of nearly 200 million people, God has been too kind to you. Apart from former President Olusegun Obasanjo, no other Nigerian has been given a second chance so miraculously. You will be able to justify this unmerited favour by leaving Nigeria much better than you met it. The only way you can do that in the next remaining year is to sacrifice your own personal ambition and hand over the country to proven and tested modern and cosmopolitan technocrats. The world has moved beyond the backwardness that we are being saddled with in Nigeria today. The world expect us to be the true giant and leader of Africa not by words but in deed.

My appeal to you is to urgently do a self-assessment to determine and decide on whether you are what Nigeria needs at this time and age for our country to join the comity of other nations in their march towards technological advancement, political stability, social security and economic prosperity.

With all due respect, Sir, if your answer is yes to the above, you may go ahead and contest but if in all honesty, the answer is no, my prayer is that you will find the courage and selfless spirit to quit the stage while the ovation is loudest. That in itself would be a deserving legacy. I’m watching and waiting for your patriotic decision with bated breath.

Thank you, Mr President, for your usual attention and kind consideration of my latest memo to you, albeit so early in the year.'

Saturday 6 January 2018


LIST Of Visa-free Countries For Nigerians

Besides the money being paid, millions of Nigerians have a hard time at embassies securing visas to enter many countries across the world. But some countries do not require visas to enter. Some will grant you visa upon arrival for a token.

Here is a list of Visa-Free countries for Nigerians:

Bangladesh (Visa on arrival)

Barbados (Visa free for 6 months)

Benin Republic (Visa free)

Burkina Faso (Visa free)

Burundi (Visa on arrival for 30 days)

Cameroon (Visa free)

Cape Verde (Visa on arrival)

Chad (Visa free)

Comoros Island (Visa on arrival)

Cote d’Ivoire (Visa free)

Djibouti (Visa on arrival)

Dominican (Visa free for 21 days)

Fiji Island (Visa free for four months)

Gambia (Visa free for 90 days)

Georgia (Visa on arrival)

Ghana (Visa free)

Guinea (Visa free)

Guinea Bissau (Visa free for 90 days)

Haiti (Visa free for 90 days)

Iran (Visa on arrival)

Kenya (Visa on arrival for 90 days)

Liberia (Visa free)

Madagascar (Visa on arrival for 90 days)

Maldives (Visa on arrival for 30 days)

Mali (Visa free)

Mauritania (Visa on arrival)

Mauritius (Visa free for 90 days)

Micronesia (Visa free for 30 days)

Mozambique (Visa on arrival for 30 days)

Nauru (Visa on arrival)

Niger Republic (Visa free)

Palau (Visa on arrival for 30 days )

Samoa (Visa on arrival for 60 days )

Senegal ( Visa free )

Seychelles (Visa on arrival for 30 days)

Sierra Leone (Visa free)

Somalia (Visa on arrival)

Sri Lanka (Electronic travel authorisation)

Tanzania (Visa on arrival)

Timor-Leste (Visa on arrival for 30 days)

Togo (Visa free)

Tuvalu (Visa on arrival for 30 days)

Uganda (Visa on arrival)

Vanuatu (Visa free for 30 days)

Friday 5 January 2018



VACANCIES..Quest for top-talents in a reputable Accounting Firm.

Grant Thornton is one of the world's leading organizations of independent Audit & Assurance, Tax and Advisory services firms. Grant thornton Nigeria (Chartered Accountants ) has offices in Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt.

We are looking for dynamic and self-motivated career-minded individuals to fill the following vacancies:

1) SUPERVISORS TAX (Abuja, Lagos & Port Harcourt).

*EXPERIENCE = Minimum of Five(5) years of cognate hands-on tax practice experience in an accounting firm.

*Qualified member of ICAN / CITN.

*Must have minimum of B.Sc., 2.2 or HND Upper Credit in Accounting, Economics or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution.


*EXPERIENCE = Not required

*AGE = Not more than 26 years.

*Minimum of B.Sc, 2.2 or HND Upper Credit in Accounting, Economics, Banking & Finance or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution.


*QUALIFICATION = HND, B.Sc. Accounting Graduate or other numerate discipline

*EXPERIENCE = Must be a Chartered Accountant with a major mainstream audit firm and with minimum of five (5) years hands-on experience in audit practice. highly knowledgeable in theory and practice of standard audit procedures.

*AGE = Not more than 35years.


*QUALIFICATION = same as (3) above

*EXPERIENCE = same as (3) above but with 3years hands-on experience

*AGE = same as (3) above

5) SUPERVISOR ADVISORY (Lagos & Port Harcourt)

*Age = same as (3) above

*EXPERIENCE = Minimum of Five (5) years in any transaction services, business risk services, or payroll administration & management in a reputable professional services firm.

* Very sound communication and report writing skills.

*QUALIFICATION = Qualified member of ICAN / CIBN / CITN or any other relevant professional body

*He / She must have minimum of B.Sc. 2.2 or HND Upper Credit in Accounting, Finance, Economics or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution.


*AGE = same as (3) above

*EXPERIENCE = Minimum of 3 years hands-on experience in a major audit firm

*QUALIFICATION = Candidate must have a minimum of B.Sc 2.1, HND Upper credit in Accounting, Economics or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution of higher learning

*He / She must have completed part of ICAN or related Professional Examination.


*LLB, BL with a minimum of second class upper division.

*3-4 years post call and NYSC relevant experience

*Excellent verbal and written communication skills

*Strong team player and good organizational skills.

*Ability to take responsibility and demonstrate high level of integrity with all stakeholders

*Logical and ability to multi task

*Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite.


*POSITION SUMMARY= The Business Development Manager is responsible for driving lead generation and new revenue creation strategy across the firm by working closely with line managers on service lines, with sole purpose of client growth and retention.


*EXPERIENCE = 7-10 years cognate experience

*OTHER REQUIREMENTS = Minimum of five (5) years of cognate hands-on professional services business development and marketing in professional services firm;
Qualified member of any relevant professional body;
Must have minimum of B.Sc 2.2 or HND Upper Credit from a reputable institution of higher learning.;
Master's degree or previous experience in a professional accounting environment will be an added advantage.


POSITION SUMMARY = The marketing supervisor is Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team of Lagos State Government for analysis of the market and the local client base to identify current issues and prospects. He / She should demonstrate a strong sales experience gained in a professional accounting organization. He / She is expected to engage with and influence key decision makers to identify new business opportunities while working with the marketing team to grow awareness.

* JOB LOCATION = Lagos & port Harcourt

*EXPERIENCE = 5-7 years cognate experience

*OTHER REQUIREMENTS = B.Sc / HND in Marketing, Business Administration or related discipline from reputable institutions of higher learning ; Good, passionate inter-personal skills and ability to work effectively in a team ; Strong working knowledge of power-point and ability to take ownership of developing presentations ; strong verbal and written communication skills ; Ability to work independently ; ready to travel at short notices.

*EXTRA = Master's degree or previous experience in a professional accounting environment will be an added advantage.


Suitable applicants are to forward their detailed CV with a cover letter (indicating city of choice) via email to:

Within two weeks from today 2nd January 2018

Please see for details.

... should you desire that we assist you in constructing a robust CV for any of the foregoing vacancies, please inbox us accordingly.


Are you a seasoned Administrator or Head of Department in a Secondary/Primary school?

Do you have some knowledge or background of working with children with Specials Needs?

A school in Lekki, Lagos is looking for an exceptional candidate to head their Administrative Department.

Minimum qualifications:
·   A minimum of a university degree
·   Top notch organisational skills and  
     excellent level of verbal and written
·   8 years relevant administrative experience
    required or at least 5 years in a
    leadership role for interested persons with
    an academic background.
·   Some knowledge and understanding of
    working with children with special needs.

Competitive salary, discounted school fees and free after school care for staff children, time off during holidays, contributory pension, HMO Scheme etc.

Send CV’s to stating any Degree, Professional Certification, and length of experience in the subject field. Any entry without this will be disqualified.

Example: (B Ed English/ ABA Certified/5 years experience) OR (Bsc Business Administration/8 years experience).


Job Opportunities at Domestic Staffs Naija

Position 1: Female Housekeeper
Location: Ebute-meta, Lagos
Work Schedule: Mon-Sat/7am-7pm
Note: Applicants living in Ebute-meta and its environ will be preferred.

Interested persons should Call/WhatsApp 08035555943

Position 2: Freelance Marketers needed (work on your own time & pace)
Salary: #80,000
Locations: Lagos and Kwara state
Bonus: Extra commission available aside salary based on performance.
Note: Applicants must be resident in Lagos or Kwara state.

To Apply: send your CV to




An International School in Abuja seeks to recruit a qualified individual for a vacant Head of School position. Eligible candidates will meet the following requirements;

1. 10 years full time teaching experience in Early Years and Primary School with at least 3-5 years experience at management level.

2. A first degree in Education. A post graduate diploma in School Administration, Business Administration, Curriculum and Instruction or any other field of Education will be an added advantage.

3. Long term planning skills.

4. Knowledge of Montessori and British methods of teaching and networking skills will be an added advantage.

5. Collaborative leadership style.

6. Record of success in establishing and effective learning environment and maintaining high standards of student conduct.

7. Ability to effactively share the school's vision with parents, prospective parents and other key stakeholders.

Interested persons should send application with Cv to:

within two weeks from today 2nd January 2018.


We are seeking a Project Coordinator to drive our market leading e-drive products & other projects.

Key Responsibilities;

- Assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress

- Ensure that the project is delivered on-time, within scope and budget, coordinating internal resources to deliver the project

- Manage changes to the project scope, project schedule, and project costs. Evaluate any project risks and work with stakeholders to minimise and mitigate project risks

- Measure project progress using appropriate tools and techniques, reporting and escalating any issues to functional management as needed

- Successfully manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders. Regularly working with customers

- Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation

- Use of specification / requirements management, documentation and task management systems.

Required skills/experience;

The successful Project Coordinator will ideally be Degree holder with at least 5 years proven experience of delivering projects from concept through to delivery.

He/She will have excellent communication skills, comfortable in discussing highly technical content with a wide range of stakeholders including customers.
He/She will have a good appreciation of e-Marketing and have sound knowledge of project management tools and project management software such as MS Project and office tools.

Qualified candidates should send their C.V to on or before 5th January 2018 using title as subject.


We are seeking a Project Coordinator to drive our market leading e-drive products & other projects.

Key Responsibilities;

- Assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress

- Ensure that the project is delivered on-time, within scope and budget, coordinating internal resources to deliver the project

- Manage changes to the project scope, project schedule, and project costs. Evaluate any project risks and work with stakeholders to minimise and mitigate project risks

- Measure project progress using appropriate tools and techniques, reporting and escalating any issues to functional management as needed

- Successfully manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders. Regularly working with customers

- Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation

- Use of specification / requirements management, documentation and task management systems.

Required skills/experience;

The successful Project Coordinator will ideally be Degree holder with at least 5 years proven experience of delivering projects from concept through to delivery.

He/She will have excellent communication skills, comfortable in discussing highly technical content with a wide range of stakeholders including customers.
He/She will have a good appreciation of e-Marketing and have sound knowledge of project management tools and project management software such as MS Project and office tools.

Qualified candidates should send their C.V to on or before 5th January 2018 using title as subject.


Workforce group – Our client, a Microfinance Bank on the Island is currently looking for Direct Sales Executive to mobilize fund, evaluate and authorize loan for customers

Job Title:  Direct Sales Executive
Location: Lekki Phase 1

- Opening and managing of accounts of customers
- Fund mobilization
- Selling of MFB products and participating in tactical sales/marketing activities
- O’LEVEL/NCE/OND in any relevant discipline
- Must have a flair for Direct Sales/Marketing
- Good spoken and written English
- Very smart and articulate
- Confident with strong ability to sell
Applications are open to interested sales oriented individuals. All interested candidates will be contacted and scheduled for assessment and interviews.
Preferred Location: - Applicants staying in Lekki Phase 1
To apply, kindly visit:



VACANCIES..Quest for top-talents in a reputable Accounting Firm.

Grant Thornton is one of the world's leading organizations of independent Audit & Assurance, Tax and Advisory services firms. Grant thornton Nigeria (Chartered Accountants ) has offices in Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt.

We are looking for dynamic and self-motivated career-minded individuals to fill the following vacancies:

1) SUPERVISORS TAX (Abuja, Lagos & Port Harcourt).

*EXPERIENCE = Minimum of Five(5) years of cognate hands-on tax practice experience in an accounting firm.

*Qualified member of ICAN / CITN.

*Must have minimum of B.Sc., 2.2 or HND Upper Credit in Accounting, Economics or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution.


*EXPERIENCE = Not required

*AGE = Not more than 26 years.

*Minimum of B.Sc, 2.2 or HND Upper Credit in Accounting, Economics, Banking & Finance or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution.


*QUALIFICATION = HND, B.Sc. Accounting Graduate or other numerate discipline

*EXPERIENCE = Must be a Chartered Accountant with a major mainstream audit firm and with minimum of five (5) years hands-on experience in audit practice. highly knowledgeable in theory and practice of standard audit procedures.

*AGE = Not more than 35years.


*QUALIFICATION = same as (3) above

*EXPERIENCE = same as (3) above but with 3years hands-on experience

*AGE = same as (3) above

5) SUPERVISOR ADVISORY (Lagos & Port Harcourt)

*Age = same as (3) above

*EXPERIENCE = Minimum of Five (5) years in any transaction services, business risk services, or payroll administration & management in a reputable professional services firm.

* Very sound communication and report writing skills.

*QUALIFICATION = Qualified member of ICAN / CIBN / CITN or any other relevant professional body

*He / She must have minimum of B.Sc. 2.2 or HND Upper Credit in Accounting, Finance, Economics or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution.


*AGE = same as (3) above

*EXPERIENCE = Minimum of 3 years hands-on experience in a major audit firm

*QUALIFICATION = Candidate must have a minimum of B.Sc 2.1, HND Upper credit in Accounting, Economics or related numerate discipline from a reputable institution of higher learning

*He / She must have completed part of ICAN or related Professional Examination.


*LLB, BL with a minimum of second class upper division.

*3-4 years post call and NYSC relevant experience

*Excellent verbal and written communication skills

*Strong team player and good organizational skills.

*Ability to take responsibility and demonstrate high level of integrity with all stakeholders

*Logical and ability to multi task

*Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite.


*POSITION SUMMARY= The Business Development Manager is responsible for driving lead generation and new revenue creation strategy across the firm by working closely with line managers on service lines, with sole purpose of client growth and retention.


*EXPERIENCE = 7-10 years cognate experience

*OTHER REQUIREMENTS = Minimum of five (5) years of cognate hands-on professional services business development and marketing in professional services firm;
Qualified member of any relevant professional body;
Must have minimum of B.Sc 2.2 or HND Upper Credit from a reputable institution of higher learning.;
Master's degree or previous experience in a professional accounting environment will be an added advantage.


POSITION SUMMARY = The marketing supervisor is Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team of Lagos State Government for analysis of the market and the local client base to identify current issues and prospects. He / She should demonstrate a strong sales experience gained in a professional accounting organization. He / She is expected to engage with and influence key decision makers to identify new business opportunities while working with the marketing team to grow awareness.

* JOB LOCATION = Lagos & port Harcourt

*EXPERIENCE = 5-7 years cognate experience

*OTHER REQUIREMENTS = B.Sc / HND in Marketing, Business Administration or related discipline from reputable institutions of higher learning ; Good, passionate inter-personal skills and ability to work effectively in a team ; Strong working knowledge of power-point and ability to take ownership of developing presentations ; strong verbal and written communication skills ; Ability to work independently ; ready to travel at short notices.

*EXTRA = Master's degree or previous experience in a professional accounting environment will be an added advantage.


Suitable applicants are to forward their detailed CV with a cover letter (indicating city of choice) via email to:

Within two weeks from today 2nd January 2018

Please see for details.

... should you desire that we assist you in constructing a robust CV for any of the foregoing vacancies, please inbox us accordingly.


Our client, a reputable law firm, desires the services of a Practice Manager to oversee all administrative and operational tasks and provide support to the partners by organizing and managing the smooth and efficient running of the firm.               
                                                                                                                                                                           Key Responsibilities                                                     
    Compliance & Professional Ethics
•Maintain the firm’s policies, procedures and ensure that all employees comply with both internal policies and ethics of legal practice
•Ensure continuing management and development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Human Resources Coordination
• Advise HR and Partners on HR policies and work closely with them to understand and implement policies and procedures
• Oversee recruitment including drafting job descriptions, arranging & conducting interviews
• Oversee the onboarding process and distributing all new starter paperwork
• Monitor staff competencies in line with law firm’s requirements
• Develop and implement policies on issues such as working conditions, performance management, disciplinary measures and absence management
• Administer employee benefits
• Maintain employee files and ensuring all staff personal details are kept in a discrete and confidential manner.
• Assist the annual salary and bonus review process by updating payroll records, sending letters to employees and filing them in employee files
• Develop HR planning strategies with line managers
• Approve annual leave for employees in line with their contractual entitlements                                                                                  

  Business development
• Manage content of website
• Assist with the preparation of templates for bidding/ tendering for new business opportunities
• Prepare budgets and annual plans to meet the objectives of the practice and the Partners                                                                                                                                            
   Office Administration
• Coordinate administrative staff to ensure that administrative tasks are effectively executed including the operations team consisting of HRExecutive, Accountant and Personal Assistant
• Convene and attend monthly management meetings and preparation of Agenda, Papers and minutes
• Convening and attending weekly/interim Management Meetings and preparation of Action List.
• Liaise with and manage the external contractors to ensure that matters requiring attention are dealt with in a timely manner according to the contract in place
• Liaising with Finance Manager to ensure Monthly Management Accounts are available
• Work with the external contractors to ensure that all areas of health, safety and environmental issues are properly governed and managed
• Advise on purchase and replacement of IT infrastructure and office equipment
• Procurement of suitable & cost effective equipment
• Work closely with the Finance & IT Administrator on management of the Firm’s IT
• Check completed documents for accuracy and quality
• Assign tasks to team members and ensure tasks are completed on time and in accordance with quality guidelines
• Carry out other assignments delegated by the Partners 

  Broad understanding of the requirements of a law firm
• Good verbal and written communication
• Highly experienced in Human Resources
• Project management
• Documentation
• Knowledge of managerial best practice and standards
• Business writing
• Decision making
• Leadership and team building                           

Qualification/Experience                                                                                                             • LLB, BL 
• LLM advantage
• Minimum of fifteen years’ experience in a law firm Interested and qualified candidates should send their resume to using position applied for as subject of the mail.


We are currently seeking a young male or female for a payroll analyst role. He/She would work coherently with different units in collating important information on salaries, remittances and benefits of staff for preparation of monthly payroll.

• Work closely with finance, HR Operations and clients on related payroll issues.
• Preparation and processing of payroll in accordance with laid down procedures and standards.
• Ensure payrolls are processed in a timely and accurate manner
• Verify all changes on payroll and effect changes appropriately.

- Must be resident in Lagos. (Close proximity to Gbagada will be an added advantage).
- Minimum of a B.Sc. (2nd Class Lower) or a HND (Lower Credit) in any course from a reputable higher institution.
- Must have done his/her NYSC.
- Age Limit of 32 years.
- Advanced User of Ms Excel (Candidates will undergo serious tests on Excel Sheets)

Qualified individuals can send their CVs to The Subject of the mail should be “Payroll Analyst”.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted.


Vacancies at Sachet/Bottled Water Company - Job Location Lagos Mainland (Gbagada)
Our Company is a newly set up medium size bottled/sachet water production organization engaged in the production, marketing and distribution of high quality bottled and sachet water. We required the following qualified candidates to fill the below positions:
1. Production Manager – Remuneration(Fixed Salary/or Commission on Sales)
• Production planning & management
• Plant/factory layout & facilities management.
• Human capital & materials management
• New products development
Candidate specifications
Candidate must possess minimum OND/HND/B.Sc  in Food science/Bio/chemistry (production),
• Should have Minimum of 2 years hands on experience in bottled water/sachet production
• Sound knowledge of bottled/sachet water production operation and Mgt. Techniques.
• Meet set sales targets monthly, quarterly and annually Qualifications Required
• Must be a food nutritionist, food technologist, any chemical scientist, micro-biologist, water engineer
• Must be resident in Lagos
2. Sales Rep./Marketing Manager (Fixed Salary/and or Commission on Sales)
• Selling products at a competitive prices to prospective customers
• Performing cost-benefit analyses of existing and potential customers
• Maintaining positive business relationships to ensure future sales
• Expand customers bases into other locations in Lagos
• Reach out to customer leads through cold calling
• Expedite the resolution of customer problems and complaints to maximize satisfaction
• Achieve agreed sales targets and outcomes within schedule
• Coordinate sales effort with other sales team members and other departments
• Analyze the territory/market’s potential, track sales and status reports
• Proven work experience as a sales representative
• Excellent knowledge of Food related product distribution mechanism
• Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales
• Aggressive and passionate
• Minimum of WASC/OND Certificates 

3. Water Truck Drivers:
• Pay is fixed monthly salary/and or Commission on Sales.
•  Experience selling pure water & bottled water preferred.
• Deliver bottled/sachet water as per schedule to customer demand for all businesses, residences and buildings and Maintain daily records of deliveries

email cv to


A client is currently  looking for an Office Assistant. The Office Assistant is responsible for creating a conducive working environment by managing the front desk, assisting with stock management and smooth running of office activities; including data entry, admin & clerical support and event planning.

Candidate Requirements
Good Presentation
Highly service oriented
Positive attitude
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Organising and planning skills

Qualification and Experience
Bsc or HND
Experience in Admin or customer service will be an added advantage

Location - Abuja

Please note that this is a temporary  contract for 6months with possibility of contract renewal

To apply, send CV's to . Subject of the mail should be Office Assistant Abuja

Deadline - 4th of January


A real estate firm requires the service of experienced marketers with solid real estate knowledge,attractive pay and commission
,forward your cv to on or before 5th of January 2018.regards


Urgent Vacancies:

1) station Representatives- wanted in Enugu and lagos.

2) courier officer wanted in lagos

3) Accountants wanted in Enugu, lagos and Abuja.

4)HR manager wanted in Enugu

5) head chef wanted in Enugu

6) F&B manager wanted in Enugu

7) project manager (construction/real estate company) wanted in Enugu

8) marketers wanted in Enugu

9) Experienced Automotive electricians/mechanics wanted in Enugu

10) Apprenticeship opportunity available for wanna be Mechanics.

send cv to with subject of the position applied for.


Looking to hire an Experienced Business Development/Project Lead for a technology company in Lagos State.

We are currently seeking a versatile and enterprising individual to play a lead role in our business development and project unit. Ideal candidate will have at least 3-5 years of experience in a similar position in a structured startup or company.
The individual is expected to provide required support for the organization’s business development team, especially in activities including preparation of proposals, tenders, bids and presentations.
The idea candidate should possess good people skills, exude positive energy and have excellent writing, PowerPoint and oral presentation skills. Ability to confidently interact with CEOs, top government functionaries and technical experts is a plus.
While project management certification is not a requirement, project management skills and experience is an advantage.
We are looking for a person with a can do spirit who is self-driven.
Salary and benefits commensurate with industry standards .

Please send CVs of qualified candidates to on or before January 20, 2018

About the Company
SilverEdge Projects Limited is a technology company domiciled in Nigeria, with the vision of becoming the technology innovation partner of choice for improved service delivery in emerging markets.
SilverEdge has over the years spent significant resources on research and development in the software development cycle, with special focus on Enterprise Applications, GIS-enabled platforms, and E-Payment solutions, thus evolving processes and procedures capable of solving the most perplexing client challenges.
Our Public Sector Innovation (PSI) Unit helps our public sector clients use data, new business models, and technology to improve citizen services and to transform how citizens interact with government
We are passionately committed to creating innovative solutions and building institutions that enable the citizenry live a life of purpose and possibilities.


Dear Professionals,

Pls I need a seasoned driver with the following requirements;

1) 3 years experience minimum
2) A valid driver's license
3) Live on the mainland
4) Age 30 and above
5) Salary package N40k and increase in 6months if probation is good
6) Time 6am - 8pm ( or as required); Saturday (twice a month or as required)
7) valid address ID is a must
8) To start immediately.
9) Prefer a Yoruba man
10) God fearing and hard worker

Please send CV of any potential ASAP to


We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Nanny

Location: Ajah, Lagos

• Minimum years of experience: 2 to 3 years of experience`
• Should be available everyday
• Be in charge of babies’ personal belongings, eg; toys; diapers.
• Ensure the babies are properly cared for
• Be able to observe babies physical and social development
• Mature and experience in taking care of children
• Be strong, full of energy (resilience and stamina required)
• Love babies
• Be very warm
• Be very patient with children
• Should be organised
• Must be tolerant
• Have drive and be committed
• Be sensitive and responsive to babies’ needs
• Be able to initiate simple activities with children
• Should be playful
• Be able to sing (enjoy singing)
• Be very neat
• Be very creative
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications and CV's in a Ms-word or PDF format using the job title "Nanny” as the subject of the mail to


We are currently recruiting for our client, a reputable firm operating in the real estate industry with offices in Lagos, is recruiting for the position below:

Job Title: Sales Executives (FEMALE)
Location: Victoria Island, Lagos

Role Summary
• To effectively market the company’s products through efficient and sustainable channels, to source for and retain new customers and to manage such customers to their satisfaction.
• Identifying and establishing contact with potential customers proactively for new Businesses.
• Maintaining contact with new and existing customers to advertise the product sales and deliver a detailed account strategy.
• Respond to sales inquiries from new and existing customers.
• Aiming to achieve monthly or annual targets.
• Deliver presentations of company products at customer sites,
• Conduct site visitations.
• Maintain accurate report on sales and customers transactions
• Attend exhibitions and conferences.
• Provide feedbacks from customers to enhance product /service delivery.
• Identify opportunities for upcoming products development and enhancement of existing products.
• Plan and conduct effective customer follow up.
• Attend to all customers grievances and manage such in line with company’s policies.
Required Qualification
• First degree in any relevant profession with 2-3 years experience in Sales
• Relevant professional qualification will be an added advantage.
• Real estate, Insurance and Banking Sectors are preferable but good candidates from other background can be considered.
Desired Characteristics:
• Must be good looking
• Must be a seasoned sales personnel with proven track records of successes.
• Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, good presentation skills, negotiation skills, ability to work with minimal supervision, self driven and result oriented.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications and CV's in a Ms-word or PDF format using the job title "Sales Executive” as the subject of the mail to



1) Lawyer
3-4 years
Location - Lagos Mainland
Salary - N100,000

2) Car Mechanic
Must have Trade Test certificate
Salary - N100,000
Location - Lagos Mainland

Send CV with job title to


Nigerian Prophet Arrested in Zambia for Drug Trafficking January 26, 2018   ZTF Zambian authorities have arrested a Nigerian pastor for a...